Who is Paresh Tiwari?
Poet, artist, and editor Paresh Tiwari has been widely published, especially in the sub-genre of Japanese poetry. A Pushcart Prize nominee, he has published two widely acclaimed collections of poetry.
His first book, ‘An inch of Sky’ was published in winter of 2014 and has been used as resource material for haiku and haibun at the Indiana Writers Centre, USA. ‘Raindrops chasing Raindrops’, his latest collection of haibun and hybrid poems has found an honourable mention at the ‘Touchstone Distinguished Book Awards’ – 2017; commissioned by the Haiku Foundation, USA.
Raindrops Chasing Raindrops: haibun & hybrid poems by Paresh Tiwari is at once electric, incisive, surreal, powerful, unique, and, for lack of a better term, modern. It is innovative in vision, language, and approach, yet, as it pushes at the boundaries of tradition, it does so with measured care, revealing an intent knowledge and respect for the haibun form..
– Comments from the Panel
Paresh has won peer-reviewed haiku competitions multiple times over and his haiku have been recognised in various contests and reviews, the most notable being a short-list for ‘The touchstone award for individual poem in 2016’, ‘Skylark award’, a third prize in the Summer World Haiku Review – 2014 and an honourable mention at the Mumbai Tata Literature Live, Autumn Rain Contest 2014. His haibun won the Wordweavers 2014 Flash Fiction contest.
He is currently the resident cartoonist for Cattails, a journal by United haiku and tanka society, USA. He was commissioned for thirty-five illustrations for the Dec 16 edition of Frameless Sky. He is also the serving haibun editor of the online literary magazine Narrow Road, a tri-annual publication.
Paresh has been invited to read his works at various literature festivals including the Goa Art and Lit Fest – 2016 and has conducted haiku and haibun workshops at Arcs of a Circle, Mumbai, Hyderabad International Literature Festival – 2014, SIES College Mumbai and British Council Library, Mumbai.